about Theresa Mah
In 2016, Theresa Mah made history as the first Asian American elected to the Illinois General Assembly. She represents the 24th District and sits on eight state committees, including the committees on K-12 Education Appropriations, Economic Opportunity & Equity, and Public Health. During her first two terms, Rep. Mah has successfully passed legislation in the areas of civil rights, consumer protection, language access, and immigrant rights.
Born in San Francisco, Mah first came to Illinois for graduate studies at the University of Chicago in 1991, where she completed a Ph.D. in modern American history. Prior to her career in politics, she was a lecturer in history, ethnic studies, and Asian American studies at schools including Northwestern University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has also worked with advocacy organizations including the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and the Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community. In 2013, she became the senior policy advisor for former Governor Pat Quinn’s administration, where she was instrumental in drafting the first Asian American Employment Plan.
Email: thesesa@theresamah.com